Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Terry Horgan je napisal nov clanek o svojem pogledu na nejasnost kot prevrednotenje. Nejasnost je brezmejnost, slednja pa je sledenje sibko nekoherentnim normativnim zahtevam, ki jim prakticno gledano sledimo, ne moremo pa jim docela zadostiti. V zadnjem odseku svojega clanka o nejasnosti Horgan primerja moralno dilemo oziroma moralni konflikt z nejasnostjo, katere brezmejnost terja sledenje pravilom, ne pa tudi njihove zadostitve. Sam sem ze prej razmisljal, da ima sledenje ne pa zadostitev sirso uporabo. Med drugim bi bilo mogoce razviti model intuicionisticnega pluralizma, ki prav tako sloni na moralnih dilemah oziroma konfliktih, in ga primerjati s taksnim zasnutkom.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Nejasnost in ples

V ponedeljek 21 decembra ob 11:20h, soba 434 FF bo profesor Potrc najprej predstavil drugo poglavje knjige Austere Realism, potem pa bo potekal pogovor o fenomenologiji plesa z Nicole Speletic. Ali bo Nicole tudi zaplesala?

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Macka je na predprazniku. Le chat est sur le paillasson. The cat is on the mat. Kissa on kynnysmatolla. V redu, to ne bo cisto res.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Classical radio

Profesor Potrc v zadnjem casu veckrat poslusa Classical sekcijo spletnega radia na tejle povezavi

Lies, Politics and Ontology

Professor Venanzio Raspa from Urbino Italy is planning to deliver two lectures on Lies, Politics and Ontology as a guest of Professor Potrc at the Ljublljana department of philosophy. Dates of the visit are now planed for May 16-26, 2010. During Potrc Urbino visit Professor Raspa indicated a wide ranging problematics having to do with lying as a philosophical problem

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Implicit background enables explicit directedness

Professor Potrc started rereading Gibson's book on ecological approach to visual perception http://books.google.com/books?id=BJGCuje64FcC&lpg=PP1&ots=67ztzg0cH7&dq=gibson%20ecological%20perception%20visual&pg=PR4#v=onepage&q=&f=false The idea is that whatever is explicitly targeted in visual perception is enabled to be so targeted by the implicit background environment, different to the physical and geometrical space, say. Professor Potrc started to expose the structure of the occurrent total cognitive state, which consists of an explicitly targeted intentional content/object, and of the background of rich aspectual nature enabling the concentration upon and the very functioning of intentional directedness. Justification is in this implicit phenomenological background environment. (A student immediately saw that this distinction between the occurrent on the one side and explicit/implicit that may both be found in the occurrent may offer a solution to the Gettier cases. We look forward to the promised analysis.) A similar structure may be spotted in the case of visual perception, for both ecological Gibsonian and Husserl's accounts (forthcoming in his Thing and Space lectures, and slowly moving to a kinesthetic account of visual perception). The insight into an occurrent whole phenomenon with the structure of the explicit target and of the implicit background, this last one nevertheless being present in the occurrent state may have several other applications that merit to be researched. Well, professor Potrc ended up reading Chalmers on Edenic perception http://consc.net/papers/eden.pdf and Charles Siewert on intentionality and consciousness http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/consciousness-intentionality/.

PhilPapers survey

Chalmers and his collaborators are going to publish preliminary results of philosophical survey and metasurvey. The answers by professor Potrc may become public in some time, we understand. Here are the overall results as they are published now:
There is a new discussion forum for surveys here.

Borut praznuje

Borut Cerkovnik ima jutri rojstni dan. Cestitamo! V ponedeljek ga pricakujemo na razpravi o uboznem realizmu.

Predavanja o uboznem realizmu

V ponedeljek 14 decembra 2009 pricne profesor Potrc serijo predavanj o knjigi Ubozni realizem. Predavanja bodo seveda potekala v slovenskem jeziku, ob ponedeljkih ob 11:20h v sobi 434 na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani in bodo predvidoma posneta, tako da bodo vsebine dostopne na spletu vsem tistim, ki jih zanimajo. Knjiga Austere Realism, avtorjev M. Potrc in Terry Horgan je zopet izsla, tokrat v natisu z mehkimi platnicami pri MIT Press pred nekaj meseci. Predavanja so del priprave za nacrtovano mednarodno konferenca o tej knjigi. Ubozni realizem je metafizicna teza in tako pravzaprav nima nicesar opraviti z ekonomskim zateganjem pasu. Austere Realism (MIT, 2008)

Pomembna knjiga o sodobni etiki

Vojko Strahovnik je pri zalozbi IPAK novembra 2009 izdal pomembno knjigo o sodobni etiki z naslovom Moralne sodbe, intuicija in moralna nacela. ISBN 978-961-91632-3-8. V sredo 16 decembra ob 14:40h bosta v sobi 434 na ljubljanski Filozofski fakulteti knjigo predstavila profesor Potrc in avtor. Oba bosta po predvidevanjih pricela z delom na svojem clanku za mednarodno konferenco o etiki na Bledu. Ta konferenca bo zacetek junija. Priprave pa bodo potekale v naslednjem semestru, zlasti na srecanjih Drustva za analiticno filozofijo. Na teh srecanjih prebiramo ustrezno literaturo. Ce koga zanima je vljudno vabljen, da glede tega s profesorjem Potrcem ali s profesorjem Strahovnikom naveze stik.
Moralne sodbe, intuicija in moralna nacela: knjiga Vojka Strahovnika IPAK 2009, 266 str. Moralne sodbe so osrednja os okoli katere se vrte odlocitve za dejanja, v svoji eticni razseznosti. Smiselno je trditi, da moralne sodbe temelje na uvidu oziroma na intuiciji. Ob tem pa se zastavlja vprasanjeo vlogi moralnih nacel oziroma splosnosti pri takih na intuiciji utemeljenih sodbah. To je na grobo receno snov, s katetro se ukvarja knjiga Vojka Strahovnika.
Uvodoma nakazana razlika med etiko in metaetiko je razdelana ob vprasanjih metafizike (moralni nenaturalizem in realizem), semantike, spoznavne teorije in moralne psihologije. Naceta so se vprasanja filozofskoh pristopov k intuiciji, ter se posebej k moralni intuiciji in k moralni fenomenologiji. Moralni intuicionizem je ob temah normativnosti in moralne intuicije zgodovinsko in sistematicno pregledan v delih Sidgwicka, Moora, Pricharda, Rossa, Broada in Audija.
Moralni partikularizem je predstavljen kot vrsta intuicionizma, zacensi z obravnavo vrst partikularizma in holizma razlogov ter argumentov v podporo, kot tudi ugovorov partikularizmu. Sledi obravnava moralnega konflikta, dilem in pluralizma. Pri tem je ocenjena vloga moralnega preostanka. Moralne dileme so najprej ocenjene kot izziv realizmu in kognitivizmu, sledi pa obramba slednjih dveh. Pregledana je se normativna struktura moralnega konflikta, skupaj s fenomenologijo moralnega preostanka. Koncno je govora o intuicionizmu, partikularizmu in o moralnih splosnostih. Zarisana je paleta od zmernega pluralisticnega partikularizma, preko upraviljenega partikularizma, zamejenih nacel in privzetih nacel, cez mehke splosnosti in do privzetih razlogov. Sledi pregled interpretacij prima facie dolznosti in njihove vloge kot temeljnih moralnih razlogov.
Kako se pojavi vloga intuicije pri moralnem sklepanju? Tukaj je enostaven razmislek. Ce bi nase moralne sodbe vselej vodila enoznacno dolocena splosna nacela, bi se lahko enostavno ravnali po pravilih, ki jih slednja predpisujejo. V tem primeru pa presojanje konec koncev sploh ne bi bilo potrebno, ampak bi bile moralne odlocitve vnaprej jasno opredeljene za vsak mozni polozaj. Potreba po moralnih sodbah pa se pojavi, ko pride do moznega nestrinjanja glede pravilnosti nasih odlocitev. In taksno nestrinjanje vznikne, ko v danem polozaju na naso izbiro pritiska dvoje ali vec splosnih nacel, ki so med seboj v konfliktu. Tako je moralni pluralizem temelj vzniku moralnega presojanja.
Moralni partikularizem predstavlja naslednjo stopnjo spodbude za moralne sodbe. Iz samega naziva moralnega partikularizma, posamicnega in enkratnega pristopa k moralnim odlocitvam, je razbrati nasprotovanje vlogi moralnih splosnosti oziroma nacel. Misljeno je, da deluje na vsakrsno naso moralno odlocitev cela vrsta silnic, ki jih ni mogoce zajeti s splosnimi pravili. Posamicne situacije, v katerih potekajo nase moralne odlocitve, so kompleksne in bogate v toliksni meri, da bi bilo vsakrsno sklicevanje na splosnosti zmotno. Splosnosti namrec zahtevajo enotnen in predvidljiv odziv v razlicnih situacijah. Nezvedljiva razlika bogastva posamicnih polozajev pa take enoznacnosti ne dopusca, saj je zavoljo holizma razlogov doloceno nacelo sedaj razlog v prid, potem pa zopet razlog zoper doloceno vrsto odlocitve in delovanja.
Razumljivo je, da moralni partikularizem zato potrebuje oporo na intuicije, ki so v podlago moralnim sodbam. Strahovnik pripozna moralni partikularizem kot vrsto intuicionizma. Vendar pa v razliko s skrajnim partikularizmom, ki zanika vsakrsno vlogo moralnih splosnosti pri presojanju, slednjo prepozna v silnicah, ki jo v moralno intuitivno presojanje vnesejo splosnosti. Problem je namrec v tem, da intuicija oziroma uvid sloni na silnicah, ki so v oporo presojanju, silnice pa so posledica obstoja splosnosti. Tudi taksno monisticno stalisce, kot je posledicizem, dopusca mozen pluralizem silnic, ki so v oporo na uvidu sloneci moralni sodbi.
Zlasti zanimive so se predstavitve fenomenoloskih argumentov, ki pricno z opisom kvalitativnega izkustva o presojanju in vodijo do metaeticnih sklepov. Moralne dileme silijo k presojanju. Argument sploscenja moralne pokrajine nas sili zavreci skrajni moralni partikularizem in ga nadomestiti z na uvidu utemeljenim moralnim pluralizmom.
Knjiga Vojka Strahovnika nas seznanja s pomembnim filozofskim podrocjem in smerjo, poleg tega pa ponuja se izvirno resitev, za katero upamo, da jo bo avtor se nadalje razdelal.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Villa Borromeo Milan Italy

Professor Potrc delivered a talk on convention at diplomacy and peace symposium at the Villa Borromeo in Milan Italy end of November 2009. He met some people, among them Uwe Peters from Cologne, Germany, an author of several Schumann books, where he reveals that the famous composer was confined to a jail style environment at the end of his life.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Snemanje predavanj profesorja Potrca

Kolega Rebolj snema serijo predavanj profesorja Potrca. Naslovi predavanj so Noc carovnic, Moje uciteljice, Vesela filozofija in se mnoge druge zanimive filozofske teme. Vse to bo obogatilo spletno ponudbo. Predavanja bodo v doglednem casu na voljo na spletu. Zahvala velja Filozofski fakulteti in G. Rebolju!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Some of Matjaz Potrc Italian links

Here is a link to some of Matjaz Potrc Italian publications, you should click on the four further links as you open the page (picture is from Urbino):


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pomembno delo o Vebru

Odlicno delo Emanuela Marinija iz Milana je na voljo na spodnji povezavi. To delo, ki je nastalo tudi v sodelovanju z Matjazem Potrcem, postavlja pomembne poudarke pri preucevanju Vebrovega dela v celoti. Matjaz in Vojko Strahovnik sta izsledke uporabila med drugim pri svojem novem clanku o Vebrovi estetiki, ki bo objavljen v Meinong studies. Delo sicer pretezno obravnava Vebrovo etiko. Emanuele ima danes rojstni dan: vse najboljse!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Habermas reply to Matjaz Potrc

At the occasion of May 09 international Pecs conference dedicated to the work of Juergen Habermas, Professor Potrc was one of the invited guests. At that occasion he presented his paper on Transvaluating Frankfurt topics to Habermas, the paper that appears on the following link:

The reply by Professor Habermas to Potrc is captured on this video. Agnes Heller occasionally appears on the screed, and on the right side of Habermas there was Robert Brandom I guess.
(The original movie is more than two minutes long, and I need overcome technical hurdles to post it; I realized that this version is just a fragment.)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hundred free papers link

Some people asked me about the link to my mostly unpublished hundred papers. Here it is:


PS: This photo is from Kos, the Hippocrates (the father of medicine) island.

River walk

Matjaz took a walk along the riverside.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Italian feedback to Urbino lectures

The Epistemic Relevance of Morphological Content
- Una riflessione sul ‘joke-getting’ -

Il contenuto morfologico è stato definito da Matjaž Potrč come un’informazione implicita, che viene colta ed elaborata dal sistema cognitivo senza essere rappresentata esplicitamente.
Per illustrare questo concetto, ha usato l’esempio del ‘joke-getting’, espressione che tradotta in italiano non ha la stessa immediatezza e perde parte del suo significato: comprendere una barzelletta.
Matjaž Potrč afferma che nell’apprezzare una barzelletta entra in gioco una componente implicita, non evidente, dell’informazione: questa componente non è presente nell’esperienza cosciente del ‘joke-getting’, eppure, questa stessa esperienza cosciente è resa possibile e allo stesso tempo ingloba l’aspetto inconsapevole, non conscio, non esplicito.
È impossibile a questo punto non notare una certa somiglianza con la teoria freudiana relativa al motto di spirito.
Per spiegare questa analogia è indispensabile far riferimento alla distinzione fra processo primario e secondario, e di conseguenza ai concetti di conscio ed inconscio.
Il processo primario è proprio del sistema inconscio ed è caratterizzato dal libero fluire dell’energia psichica da una rappresentazione all’altra (secondo i meccanismi di condensazione e di spostamento) e dalla tendenza alla gratificazione immediata.
Il processo secondario, invece, appartiene al sistema conscio: la scarica è differita, l’energia viene legata, le rappresentazioni sono investite in modo stabile.
Nel motto di spirito (così come nel sogno e nei lapsus), si ha un compromesso tra conscio e inconscio, tra processo primario e processo secondario: il contenuto primario o inconscio viene espresso attraverso il linguaggio verbale naturale, che Freud classifica come processo secondario o cosciente.
Il ‘joke-getting’ può essere quindi inteso come un processo di decodifica inconsapevole o automatica: il destinatario del motto di spirito dall’immagine verbale riesce a risalire al contenuto implicito, latente, espressione dell’inconscio.

Al di là delle somiglianze, ci sono delle differenze non trascurabili: il contenuto inconscio del motto di spirito efficace è sempre di natura sessuale, mentre il contenuto morfologico non ha questo tipo di connotazione, se non accidentalmente.
Inoltre, credo che
Matjaž Potrč usi il termine ‘inconscio’ con il significato di ‘non consapevole’, ‘non esplicito’, ‘non evidente’, e in ogni caso non con il significato che gli attribuiva Freud.

Vague Content in Non-Vague World
- Il vago confine tra vago e non vago -

Matjaž Potrč sostiene che la vaghezza appartiene all’ambito del pensiero e a quello del linguaggio, e non a quello ontologico:
[…] no in-the-world-vagueness, only vagueness in thought-content and language-content.
Nella poesia, nella vita quotidiana, la vaghezza non costituisce un problema, tutt’altro; non a caso l’aggettivo ‘vago’ in letteratura è usato anche come sinonimo di ‘amabile’, ‘bello’, ‘grazioso’.
All’opposto, nella logica e in campo scientifico, è di fondamentale importanza eliminare la vaghezza.
Matjaž Potrč ha quindi spiegato la sua concezione di vaghezza attraverso due paradossi, quello del calvo e quello del mucchio, o del sorite.
Il paradosso del sorite è generalmente attribuito al filosofo greco Eubulide di Mileto, e si può formulare nel modo seguente:
Dato un mucchio di sabbia, se eliminiamo un granello dal mucchio avremo ancora un mucchio. Eliminiamo poi un altro granello: è ancora un mucchio. Eliminiamo ancora un granello, e poi ancora uno: il mucchio diventerà sempre più piccolo, finché rimarrà un solo granello di sabbia. È ancora un mucchio, quando rimane un solo granello? E se un solo granello non è un mucchio, allora in quale momento quel mucchio iniziale non è più un mucchio?
La vaghezza sarebbe pertanto una qualità insita in ogni
Estratto da "http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradosso_del_sorite"situazione che implichi un continuum, poiché la mancanza di uno ‘sharp cut-off’, un confine ben definito, è implicito nel concetto di continuum.
What makes a property ontologically non-vague? It is not sorites-susceptible. […]
Tuttavia, Matjaž Potrč ha affermato che quello stesso ‘cut-off point’ è assente, quando si tratta di stabilire un limite tra vago e non vago: anche la vaghezza sembrerebbe quindi una proprietà ‘sorites-susceptible’.

Valentina Busco Mei
Scienze psicologiche dell’intervento clinico

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009

Urbino lectures

Matjaz Potrc visited Urbino University Philosophy Department mid October 2009 and delivered lectures there, on the Epistemic Relevance of Morphological Content, and on Vague Content in Non-Vague World, in the Erasmus scheme. He was received by Prof. Venanzio Raspa, and had discussion with students and professors. Then he visited Raffaelo house and the palace with big ancient art collection. Now he starts with Aesthetic Judgment in Veber paper, to be delivered to Prof. Raspa's edited Meinong Studies volume.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Austere Realism paper edition

Terry Horgan and Matjaz Potrc book Austere Realism will be shortly published in Europe as well, as the MIT Press European Office lets us know. Publishing date is officially September 2009. 222 pp. ISBN 978-0-262-51333-3
Representation and Mind series. A Bradford Book.
14.40 Euros paper

"The authors of Austere Realism describe and defend a provocative ontological-cum-semantic position, asserting that the right ontology is minimal or austere, in that it excludes numerous commonsense posits, and that statements employing such posits are nonetheless true, when truth is understood to be semantic correctness under contextually operative semantic standards. Terence Horgan and Matjaz Potrc argue that austere realism emerges naturally from consideration of the deep problems within the naive commonsense approach to truth and ontology."
Authors are depicted here in Ljubljana in late May 2009.
Looks as if some AR centered conference or discussion is needed.
Here is a link to some discussion that already took place:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Experimental site link

Here is the link to my new experimental site:


The site is experimental because main task is to get acquainted with how it functions. Some fragmentary work in progress notes are posted. Critical remarks are encouraged.
My next plan is to prepare two lectures for October visit to Urbino University, and namely on Epistemic Relevance of Morphological Content, and on Vague Content in Non-Vague World.
The picture was shot in Denver in August.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Boulder Colorado RoME paper

Just before I went to the RoME congress in Boulder Colorado on August 6-9, 2009. Emanuele Marini came to visit me, and we had Veber Ethics discussion. At the occasion of Rocky Mountain Ethics conference in Boulder I successfully presented my and Vojko's paper on Meinongian moral judgments. In Boulder I met several people, such as Alistair Norcross, Ben Hale, Tom Christiano. I had a dinner at Sink restaurant where Robert Redford used to be a waiter, and I visited Colorado University museum figuring twenty astronauts memorabilia. In Denver I listened to brunch jazz performance, and the walks at the Boulder campus were pleasant. Beth Tropman did a great job commenting our paper. Photos show the Sink restaurant environment, Ben Hale, Tom Christiano, football, Matjaz and Beth Tropman presentation and Emanuele, in that order.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Wuerzburg alumni gathering invitation

Beginning of July 09 Matjaz visited Prof. Wilhelm Baumgartner, the Franz Brentano Würzburg institute founder. They discussed Brentano's evidentialist roots, in epistemic and semantic matters. They also agreed that, in opposition to atomism, the whole experiential world is involved into phenomenal data. Matjaz Brentanian link is a central theme in his actual evidentialist phenomenology semantic project. He was invited to join the University of Wuerzburg alumni gathering.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Austere Realism book on MIT display

Here is the book Austere Realism, written by Terry Horgan and Matjaz Potrc, and displayed at a MIT bookstore in June 2009. Metaphysics mafia didn't intervene in this.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Wide assessment quote about the experiential world

T"In "The World of Qualia," Matjaž Potrč makes the case for the
intriguing claim that qualia -- construed as reflexive acts of
inner-directed awareness built into perceptual acts of outer-directed
awareness -- are "the cement of the experiential world" (114). The
argument is subtle, and Potrč leans heavily on an inadequately
explained distinction between the "experiential world" and the
"physical world." Presumably, his idea is that the experiential world
is the world as my thoughts and experiences represent it as being,
where these thoughts and experiences are taken as perceptual acts of
outer-directed awareness with reflexive acts of inner-directed
awareness (his qualia) built into them. The physical world, meanwhile,
is what my thoughts and experiences must correctly represent in order
to count as veridical. If this interpretation is fair, though, I do
not understand why qualia so understood count as the relevant sort of
cement, why thoughts and experiences need such a cement to unify them,
and why Potrč's qualia, which on his view are just another sort of act
of awareness, do not also need a cement of their own for unification."

This is the quote from the recent NPDR review of Edmond Wright The Case for Qualia MIT 2008 book. I thnik that the reviewer is right in requiring elaboration of the experiential world and physical world relation. This however I have dome at other occasions, by developing contextual assessment of truth as indirect correspondence. Reviewer's presupposing of truth as direct correspondence relation urges him to shift away from the dimension that indeed provides qualia as the cement of the experiential world. Abandoning his wide take on the situation allows a smooth reply to his worries.

The picture shows Terry Horgan in Slovenian countryside, June 2009. Terry agrees that we should use the notion of experiential world in our ongoing project.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bled Epistemic Virtue and Value conference

Matjaz is cofounder of a series of prominent Bled conferences that exercise increasing influence in various fields of philosophical community. At this year's first week of June conference he presented a paper co-authored with Terry Horgan The Epistemic Relevance of Morphological Content. Many important epistemologists attended the conference, the most influential of these being Earnie Sosa who commented all papers. Wayne Riggs was an excellent organizer. Pictures show Terry and Matjaz doing their shtick at the Bled Kompas hotel and again them in company of David Henderson in Ljubljana. It was agreed that in two year's time there will be a Bled conference on Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom, again under Sosa and Wayne guidance. During their time together Matjaz and Terry also continued to sketch their next co-authored book with provisional title Morphological Content, Phenomenology and Semantic Holism. 
   What's next? Matjaz and Vojko's paper Meinongian Theory of Moral Judgments was accepted for August Rocky Mountain Ethics conference, with Beth Tropman as the commentator.

Dubrovnik Attention conference

Matjaz attended Dubrovnik The Philosophical Significance of Attention conference last week of May, organized by Declan Smithies. He presented a paper together with Terry Horgan, entitled Attention, Morphological Content and Epistemic Justification. Several prominent philosopher were present. Matjaz is depicted here in company of Charles Siewert. 

Dance and its phenomenology

On May 20th Nicole Speletic from New York performed a dance introduction and moving of the body explanation, comparing new with older styles of the artist dance. The session succeeded in University building and was organized by Vojko Strahovnik. Nicole, Matjaz and Vojko have a project to write a paper on phenomenology of dance, two preparatory drafts of which you can find at Matjaz domaca stran under clanki/articles. Nicole is spending some time in Slovenia. Drawing on the heritage of her roots she recently became a citizen of Slovenia. Congratulations, Nicole!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Juergen Habermas

On May 19th 2009 Matjaz Potrc presented his paper on Transvaluating Frankfurt to Juergen Habermas in Pecs Hungary. Habermas replied and commented, and so did Agnes Heller, Robert Brandom among others. Matjaz started by delineating his commitment to the existence of a mind and language independent world, then stressed his indirect correspondence normative and contextual approach to truth and argued for the qualitative and narrow account of free will conditions that may be achieved in the experiential world of my brain in a vat duplicate. Habermas mentioned the background basis of the Lebenswelt. Frankfurt cases in the discussion of free will center at the self as a source of action, dismissing phenomenology of free agency. Is the quality achievable in renaissance approach and what is its relation to the enlightenment? The Habermas conference was organized by Janos Boros from Pecs University.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hundred free papers and a dancing performance

http://www2.arnes.si/~supmpotr/clanki.html     By clicking at the just given link you can find hundred free papers written by Prof. Matjaz Potrc. One among these papers is a draft on the topics of Phenomenology of dancing. Nicole Speletic, a philosopher and a fine dancer from NY contributed her own draft. Nicole will talk and dance on Wednesday May 20th at 13:45h (1:45p) at the main building of University of Ljubljana (Kongresni trg), as a guest of Potrc and Strahovnik. First picture shows Matjaz at a Ljubljana pub, and the second one at a teashop close to Ljubljanica river.

Mountain view

On May 10th Matjaz took a walk at Dobrca mountain, to the top, and even a little bit further to the one of the most interesting sightseeing spots in Slovene mountains. It was sunny, with some patches of snow. This must be the uebermenschen-point-of-view I guess.

Drustvo za analiticno filozofijo and some plans

Drustvo za analiticno filozofijo (DAF: Analytic Philosophy Society) has Monday meetings as one of its basic activities. On May 11th we discussed Morphological rationalism, but in overall we prepare ourselves for Bled conferences, by reading and discussing chosen texts. This year's international Bled conference (June 1-6) will be on Virtue epistemology and value. The photo figures Vojko Strahovnik and Matjaz Potrc as two core constitutive members of Monday meetings.
Here are some plans for next couple of months: Vojko and Matjaz will present their paper on Habermas treatment of free will, and Habermas will respond. Matjaz and Terry Horgan will take part in Dubrovnik Attention and Bled symposia. Matjaz and Vojko will present their paper on Meinongian ought-beliefs at the Rocky Mountains Ethics (or RoME) conference, all by invitation.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Origins of Many-Valued Logic

Professor Niels Oeffenberger from Bergisch-Gladbach Germany came to Ljubljana in order to talk about the coming into being of the many-valued logic. This event took place on Tuesday, April 21st 2009 at Filozofska fakulteta. Symposium was entitled Frane Jerman in vecvrednostna logika. It was inspired by the book of Frane Jerman: Med logiko in filozofijo: logika in filozofija v delu Jana Lukasiewicza. Participants commened on Jerman on Lukasiewicz, on determinism, on logic and reality, on many-valued logic, and on deontic logic. Symposium was organized by Vojko Strahovnik. Danilo Suster delivering his talk.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Emanuele Marini and Venanzio Raspa

Venanzio Raspa delivered a lecture on Non-Aristotelian logic and another one on Meinongian aesthetics and ontology, on March 23rd and 25th in Ljubljana. We had nice time together. I tried to push for Meinongian monism on two counts: in the area of ideal objects, there is superset of all properties, and there is an immense ordered range of possible objects; all this is parsimonious. In the area of the empirical world, infima are bought just for reason of antirelativism according to Raspa. This I see as a reductio of parts and an actual acceptance of monism. Now Raspa asks: what is the relation between ideal and empirical realms? Emanuele Marini from Milano is fluent in Slovenian language, he had contacts to Raspa, but met him for the first time in Ljubljana. Emanuele is writing a book on France Veber, where the main point is affirmation of Veber's enlargements of objects to desiderativa and dignitativa, a distinction specifying Brentano's Gemuetsbewegungen and adopted by Meinong. I stressed that this goes together with another important Slovene philosopher, Ernst Mally (born in Kranj with career in Graz), the originator of the deontic logic. Both Slovene philosophers Veber and Mally pushed for extenstion of the area of objects of the higher order. The lower photo shows myself with Raspa, the upper photo with Marini. 

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Venanzio Raspa on Meinong

I met Venanzio in Germany at a Dresden semiotic congress conference in the section dedicated to Meinong. He paid German organizers the fee for publishing my paper that never appeared in print. Now Professor Raspa from Urbino University Italy will be my guest at the Ljubljana University, Filozofska fakulteta, Askerceva 2, Ljubljana, room 434. On Monday, March 23rd, 11:20am-1pm he will deliver a lecture on At the Origin of New Logic: the Imaginary Non-Aristotelian Logic of N.A. Vasilev. On Wednesday March 25th he will talk on Aesthetic and Ontology: Fictional and Aesthetic Objects from a Meinongian Point of View, at 2:40p-4:20p and 6:50p-8:30p. The photo shows Marjetica and Frane.