Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Boulder Colorado

Professor Matjaz Potrc at the campus of Boulder University and then in Sink restaurant at the University Hill, August 2011. Here is the link to the RoME 11 conference photos as prepared by Alastair Norcross:

Pavia deontic symposium

Potrc lecturing at the occasion of Pavia deontic symposium. In company of Marini and Di Lucia.

Pavia July 2011 symposium

Potrc with Conte and Pavia deontic symposium organizers. Below photo of that symposium participants,

Wuerzburg University Alumni Prof Potrc Matjaz

Professor Matjaz Potrc was invited as Wuerzburg University alumni to the EU-India symposium. The upper picture shows Potrc delivering his lecture. In the picture above then, Potrc is greeted by the Wuerzburg Buergermeister. Picture below shows Professor Potrc with Professor Prasad J. Theruvathu, Provost of the convent of the Karmeliten Basel Switzerland, India Kerala, whose speciality is philosophy of Cusanus: he was interested to learn from Matjaz that Cusanus spent some time in vicinity of Bled in Slovenia. Here is the link to more photos from the EU-India alumni Wuerzburg gathering:

Baumgartners and Matjaz Potrc

Elizabeth Baumgartner, Matjaz Potrc and Wilhelm Baumgarther in the Residenz Wuerzburg garden at the time of July 2011 EU-India symposium where Prof Potrc was invited as Wuerzburg University alumni. After this meeting they spent some time with symposium participants and organizers in the cellar of the Wuerzburg Residenz.

Uwe Peters and Potrc

Matjaz Potrc with Uwe Peters in Koeln at the time of Koeln Epistemology of philosophy symposium, July 2011.

Chalmers zombie picture

Here is Chalmers zombie picture, sitting in Koeln Biergarten vis-a-vis Matjaz Potrc, and drinking what? -- beer.

Horgan and Potrc in Koeln

Horgan and Potrc in Koeln at the time of July 2011 Epistemology of philosophy symposium. They also discussed with Schaffer, Chalmers.

Potrc, Horgan and Searle

Professor Matjaz Potrc with Terry Horgan and John Searle at occasion of June 2011 Milano symposium party. Searle really enjoyed Horgan-Potrc presentation.

Henderson at Bled

Matjaz with Henderson in Ljubljana at the time of the June 2011 Bled epistemology symposium.

Radgona Veber symposium

Matjaz with Venanzio Raspa, Emanuele Marini and Seppo Sajama at the Radgona Veber symposium. Profesor Potrc delivering his paper in Radgona.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer 2011 continued

After Bled, Milano and Koeln conferences with Terry, I then joined a Wuerzburg EU-India gathering, where I was invited as alumni. After that, I visited Pavia conference on deontic matters where I successfully presented my paper written for that occasion. Finally, I was in Boulder Colorado for a couple of weeks, at the 2011 RoME conference, as the only European participant that was selected for presentation at this prestigious gathering of ethicists. My and Vojko's paper on moral particularism and basic-derived reasons pluralistic Rossian approach that we propose was well accepted by the audience, and especially interesting was the follow-up discussion with McNaughton and Rawling (by the way, I also chaired their paper where Alastair Norcross was a commentator). It was a pleasure to visit Boulder again, where this time I even tried out some mountain hike.
   Pictures show Matjaz in Boulder at the University Hill, discussing with Hille and Rawling after his paper presentation, and strolling through Boulder farms market.