Sunday, November 29, 2009
Villa Borromeo Milan Italy
Professor Potrc delivered a talk on convention at diplomacy and peace symposium at the Villa Borromeo in Milan Italy end of November 2009. He met some people, among them Uwe Peters from Cologne, Germany, an author of several Schumann books, where he reveals that the famous composer was confined to a jail style environment at the end of his life.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Blob matters
Here is a link to one Terry and Matjaz book discussion (Multilocational Blobjectivism proposal):
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Snemanje predavanj profesorja Potrca
Kolega Rebolj snema serijo predavanj profesorja Potrca. Naslovi predavanj so Noc carovnic, Moje uciteljice, Vesela filozofija in se mnoge druge zanimive filozofske teme. Vse to bo obogatilo spletno ponudbo. Predavanja bodo v doglednem casu na voljo na spletu. Zahvala velja Filozofski fakulteti in G. Rebolju!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Some of Matjaz Potrc Italian links
Here is a link to some of Matjaz Potrc Italian publications, you should click on the four further links as you open the page (picture is from Urbino):
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Pomembno delo o Vebru
Odlicno delo Emanuela Marinija iz Milana je na voljo na spodnji povezavi. To delo, ki je nastalo tudi v sodelovanju z Matjazem Potrcem, postavlja pomembne poudarke pri preucevanju Vebrovega dela v celoti. Matjaz in Vojko Strahovnik sta izsledke uporabila med drugim pri svojem novem clanku o Vebrovi estetiki, ki bo objavljen v Meinong studies. Delo sicer pretezno obravnava Vebrovo etiko. Emanuele ima danes rojstni dan: vse najboljse!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Habermas reply to Matjaz Potrc
At the occasion of May 09 international Pecs conference dedicated to the work of Juergen Habermas, Professor Potrc was one of the invited guests. At that occasion he presented his paper on Transvaluating Frankfurt topics to Habermas, the paper that appears on the following link:
The reply by Professor Habermas to Potrc is captured on this video. Agnes Heller occasionally appears on the screed, and on the right side of Habermas there was Robert Brandom I guess.
(The original movie is more than two minutes long, and I need overcome technical hurdles to post it; I realized that this version is just a fragment.)
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