Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Matjaz Potrc summer 2019 activities

Some of my activities in summer 2019:
. With Vojko Strahovnik I successfully presented the paper Chromatic Illumination in Belief Fixation and Implicit Bias (with several philosophers being in audience, including David Christensen, Branden Fitelson and Hilary Kornblith) at the 27th International Epistemology Bled conference (June 3-7, 2019). This is by the way the series of conferences that I co-founded with John Biro from Gainesville Florida 27 years ago.
. At Boulder Colorado RoME (Rocky Mountains Ethics) conference I successfully commented Marcus Arvan (University of Tampa) Normative Stance paper, on August 10th, 2019, prepared together with Vojko Strahovnik.
. Visit to Mark Brown, Syracuse University, Syracuse NY, and his beautiful thousand island resort, middle August 2019.
. The work on our Oxford University Press accepted book manuscript with Terry Horgan and Vojko Strahovnik is in full gear.

 First picture is from Thousand Islands NY, the second one from Sink Boulder restaurant, and the third shows me with Andrej Medved, an excellent philosopher, poet and gallery expert, who prepares his PhD with me and Misko Suvakovic (Belgrade).
    Some of my current publications:
. Book chapter entitled Ontological Vagueness: Why It's Impossible and Why Metaphysical and Semantic Lessons are Severe, written together with Terry Horgan (Arizona) will be published soon in The Sorites Collection, Springer Synthese library book series 2019 (eds. Ali Abasnezhad and Otavio Bueno).
. Open Journal of Philosophy (2019) let us know that my and Vojko Strahovnik paper Ontological Reflection on What there Is "enjoys great popularity".
. Croatian journal Filozofska istrazivanja 153 just published my paper Judgmental Belief, along with presentation of Croatian translations of my books: Dynamical Philosophy, and Language, Thought and Object. (Thanks to Luka Janes, Roni Rengel and Stefanija Kozic).
      So far about some things that happened.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Tucson with Horgan January 2019

Matjaz Potrc visited Terry Horgan in Tucson AZ, where they discussed, work together and hiked in the desert. At University of Arizona Philosophy Department their book Austere Realism is displayed.