Saturday, February 27, 2010

A forthcoming paper

Here is a link to a forthcoming paper announcement

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Identity and dance in Zagreb

Professor Potrc took part in symposium on Spaces of identity in the performing sphere in Zagreb 11th-14th February 2010, where he presented his version of Phenomenology of dance paper, arguing that transglobal phenomenological environment is the appropriate one for dancing experience. He was invited to this symposium by Sibila Petlevski. One main thing he became acquainted with is a naturalist approach to the comparative literature studies. The organization and participants were interesting, and the town of Zagreb turns out to be a nice and interesting place.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Zombie blues by David Chalmers

Here is a link to zombie blues as presented by David Chalmers

Hope it works

PS: OK it works, but the embarrassing thing is that all the students listened to that already, agreeing that Dave sounds as a real zombie here.

Vagueness and weak emergence monism

Here is a link to a gathering of some physicists and philosophers in Lorenz institute March 2010 where Terry Horgan presents some views from our Austere Realism book:

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Analytic epistemology youtube link

 This is an analytic epistemology Youtube link I was alerted about by Mylan Engel. Peter Klein, Alvin Goldman and Gettier are presented, so that Jones is a woman:

(I had occasion to listen and speak to Quine, Klein, Goldman.) Hope the link works.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Some current stuff

The paper with Terry Horgan on the Vague Content in a Non-Vague World is in a draft form, and there is the news that the publishing process for the the book in which it will be a chapter slowly moves on. In the meantime, Matjaz will be engaged in a symposium to which he was invited and where he will try to get some feedback about the Vojko and Nicole coauthored draft on Phenomenology of Dance. Matjaz and Vojko are slowly composing a paper on Vagueness and Moral Dilemmas. A version of this paper, along with some other stuff, is available here:  Fifth chapter of the Austere Realism book will be presented on Monday, February 15th, and film recorded as usual; one hopes to see all these registrations as available on the net in a foreseeable future. The blobjectivism and priority monism debate still needs to be tackled, for the prospective paper with Terry, in an important monism collection. A small symposium about Austere Realism book in May in Ljubljana is in preparation, by the DAF or Slovene Society for Analytic Philosophy. The photo is from last year visit to London.